We eat more when we have lots of choices, like a buffet. But new research from the University of Illinois and University of Pennsylvania suggest that how food is arranged (in particular, by color ) also plays a role. When study coauthor Barbara Khan offered people six varieties of jellybeans, separated by color or mixed in a bowl, they ate about twice as many from the bowl. Why? Perhaps a mixed looks like it has more variety. So if you are trying to loose your weight, limit your choices and be watchful for color cues that would make you overeat.
We eat more when we have lots of choices, like a buffet. But new research from the University of Illinois and University of Pennsylvania suggest that how food is arranged (in particular, by color ) also plays a role. When study coauthor Barbara Khan offered people six varieties of jellybeans, separated by color or mixed in a bowl, they ate about twice as many from the bowl. Why? Perhaps a mixed looks like it has more variety. So if you are trying to loose your weight, limit your choices and be watchful for color cues that would make you overeat.
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